The RBI Central Network

What is RBI Central

RBI Central is my attempt to get more pages devoted to RBI Baseball on the Internet. The surprising popularity of my RBI Baseball Page has shown me that there are plenty of people still interested in a 15 year old Nintendo game. Furthermore, I receive plenty of email from people who are thinking about starting their own RBI site. Since I have the technical know-how and resources to do, I am giving away free hosting for any site related to RBI Baseball

The Details

All you have to do to get your own RBI Baseball site is drop me an e-mail. Once I know you want a site, I'll set you up with some server space on my machine. I'll give you an ftp account and setup whatever name you want for your custom rbicentral URL. So if you choose burrito, you'll have as your official website address.

The Sites

Here are the people who have already signed up for their own RBI page. There are also one or two pages still in the beta stage:

No Longer Active

Last update - 4/4/2013